Review: Face Fat workout
Last week I tried a face fat workout for a week. This week I am going to tell you if it really works and if I really lost some face fat.
First of all I felt like a real idiot doing these exercises. If you did them to, you know exactly were I'm talking about. I felt super strange and weird, but at the same time really good! Let me explain haha. I had too stick my tongue out and make strange faces for an ultimate stretch. The sticking my tongue out part was really funny. But for second move I needed some real coordination skills, and lets say that isn't one of my strongest skills. I found it really diffucult, but I finally managed too do it!
Now the answer you have all been waiting for, did I loose any fat? The answer is no, as much as I wish I lost some, I didn't. I could recommend this workout if you are really into stretching haha. I am not doing it again. The face massage in the other hand, well that I keep in mind.
Next week I will be reviewing about beauty sleep!!
Have a nice day, and keep stretching ;)