Review drinking water like a supermodel
Last week I told you guys I wanted to try drinking water like a supermodel because I read that it was like a beauty secret of the most biggest models in the fashion industry. I also said and I quote; 'I think I can easily do this challenge, I mean what's so difficult about sipping water.'. I wished I never said that, because it was freaking difficult. I thought I was hitting that 3 liter water a day like in minutes. It was tougher than I thought, because you just forget to drink water. By doing this challenge I really discovered that I don't drink enough during the day. So too get to that 3 liter goal a day, I drew a line for every bottle water I drank. And trust me it really works!
The benefits!
My stomach felt full so that means that I couldn't really consume my guilty pleasures during the day. I was pleased with my breakfast, my lunch, dinner and my fruit snacks. No Milka Orea for me :).
My skin looked better. I felt like I was glowing. Like a really healthy and fresh look. My skin was smoother and just felt healthy.
The cons
My second home was the toilet. I mean if you drink 3 liters a day you need to know that your best friend will be the toilet, because you really but really need to pee a lot!
After doing this challenge I will definitely check the amount of water I consume per day because it just makes me feel better and healthier. I'm only going to change one tiny little thing and that is the amount of water per day. I will be continuing drinking 2,5 liter water a day instead of 3 liters. That is just more fitting for me I think.
MY TIP FOR YOU IS TRY IT OUT! Water is free and you only need to make sure you drink 2,5 - 3 liters. Just do it ;)